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Sponsor Registration

The “Autos for Autism” Committee is thrilled to announce that our 24th Annual Car Show will be returning to everyone’s favorite location, the Garden City Middle School, for 2025.

In our commitment to enhance the event experience and ensure a consistent venue, we have decided to schedule ‘Autos for Autism’ in June. Keeping the show in June moving forward to avoid getting relocated to another venue. Thanks to scores of loyal car owners who turn out every year, our event once again achieved resounding success raising over $26,000 and even attracting local celebrity Jason Carr. With great enthusiasm we ask you to mark your calendars for ‘Autos for Autism’ on Monday June 16, 2025. We are proactively reaching out to potential sponsors in preparation. Over the years, our generous sponsors have provided a huge share of Car Show proceeds, and we are grateful beyond words for their contribution to our cause.

The Car Show provides most of the revenue for the Burger Autistic School Association, the parent/teacher group at Burger School.  In recent years, Car Show funds have been used to furnish classrooms with new audiovisual technology, to provide playground communication boards and equipment, and to fund classroom grants, sports programs and fall formals, school stores and “calming rooms” at both buildings, family pizza parties and roller-skating outings, and much more.

So we hereby invite you and your business to sponsor the show this year, either through direct financial support or with a donation of raffle items or door prizes.

Donations valued from $50 to $499 will be recognized with varying sized ads in our program (see guide included) and selected donors will be mentioned on the back of the Car Show participant flyer. A business which generously donates $500 or more will receive a full-page program ad and their logo will be featured on our website. Our “top ten” supporters will also be invited to place their names or logos on the front of the final participant flyer.

The Burger Autistic School Association, Inc. is a 501.(c)(3) organization, so donations are tax-deductible. We are composed entirely of volunteers and keep expenses low, so your donation can make a bigger impact on the lives of Burger students.

Thank you for taking the time to consider joining us in this worthwhile and deeply rewarding effort.

Use the form below to register as a sponsor of Autos for Autism online.   Or download and print “Sponsor Form” above and mail to P.O. Box 6085, Plymouth, MI 48170

Your sponsorship fee is a tax-deductible donation.
Sponsorship and/or ad copy received after April 24th, may be omitted from promotional materials.

You can submit your ad and logo below with your form or use button above if you’ve already submitted your registration.   Please use the template in the “Sponsor Info” download above, as a guide to format the size and shape of your ad.
Thank you!

  • Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 512 MB.
    • This amount will be added to sponsorship level on checkout.